I fell in love with these charming lollipop trees getting off an airplane at LAX. There they were, rows of them, swaying in the breeze and welcoming me to Los Angeles. Palm trees are a perfect icon of Southern California because, like any true Angeleno, they came from someplace else. They were the perfect subject matter to help me explore my fascination with color and mood.
Most of my collectors buy a series of three or four Palm tree portraits and compose a color story of their own. Like me, they seem to be fascinated with the way these colors work together. Palms hang in peoples’ homes and in the lobbies of Hilton hotels. Singer-songwriter Barry Manilow even purchased seven palms for his recording studio. It turns out he bought them because he associated each one with a different note on the musical scale. Genius!
24” x 30”
Acrylic on canvas