Father Corby Absolution LE 100 (Framed)
Father Corby Absolution LE 100 (Framed)
11” x 14”, Print on Paper
Remarked with gold, signed and numbered by the artist
Antique Green Gold Picture Frame (Glass, 13” x 16”)
I’ve painted Father Corby, a Union Army chaplain in the American Civil War, giving absolution to the Irish Brigade. He served twice as president of the University of Notre Dame. Father Corby is perhaps best known for giving general absolution, “Dominus noster Jesus Christus vos absolvat.” to the Irish Brigade on the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg. Of the Brigade's original 3,000 men, only about 500 remained. Of the men Father Corby absolved that day, 27 were killed, 109 were wounded, and 62 were listed as missing. The Irish harp painted behind was on the flag of the 88th NY Infantry, part of the Irish Brigade. Each LE 100 print is hand signed, numbered and remarked with gold.